We’ve been focusing a lot on creating a good morning routine that allows us to start our day on the right foot. Before starting this, a lot of our mornings would look like me being groggy and tired for an embarrassing amount of time. I’d get up and nurse my son, then lay back down…
6 Activities To Entertain A One-Year Old On An Airplane
We recently took a 6 hour flight from the East coast to the West coast, and let me tell you I was STRESSED. I know how energetic my 18-month old is. He just wants to run run run. So how was I supposed to make him sit still for 6 hours straight? I read everything…
How to Practice Mindful Parenting to Become the Parent You’ve Dreamed of Being
What is Mindful Parenting? Before we dive into how to become a mindful parent, let’s first talk about what mindful parenting even is. Mindful parenting is intentional, thought out interaction between parents and their children. In the book Raising Good Humans: A Mindfulness Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids by…
How To Boost Your Milk Supply As A Breastfeeding Mom
I personally believe that every mom should have a choice in how to feed their babies. But to me, this doesn’t just include avoiding shaming moms for how they choose to feed their babies. It’s also offering them support. In my time in motherhood, I have seen so many other moms have to turn to…
9 Items You Need If You Plan To Breastfeed
If you’re expecting a baby soon you’re probably thinking a lot about how you’re going to feed them. If breastfeeding is what feels best to you, you’re going to be needing a few things to make your nursing experience go as smoothly as possible. I’ve been nursing my son for 14 months now and have…